Saturday, January 10, 2009

With You

With you a kiss is not just a kiss
It is a moment several lover's miss
With you a gaze is not just a gaze
But a secret message being sent my way
With you a touch is not only a touch
But a caress from your soul saying how you love me so much
With you words are not words
Most go unspoken, but so loudly they are heard
With you a smile is not an expression
It is a surrender, a tender and sweet confession
With you a tear is not a cry
It is a testimony escaping your eye
With you love is not love
It is only a step closer to the heavens above
With you a promise is not just a promise
It is an everlasting seal that bonds us for
And ever more
But with you, that is all I can ask for
All that I can dream
And all that I can have
I stand with you and never look back
Or towards the future, or what lies in between
With you, all is like a dream
More beautiful and enchanting than what life may seem
But it is only because I share it, my life, with you
And I do not want to be anywhere else than where i am now
Standing proud
Standing here
Right here
With you.


*If it is not already painfully obvious, I wrote this poem for the man that is now in my life. I debated for a while whether I should post this poem for anyone else to see, but after asking for my boyfriend's consent I did not feel so weird about it. I suppose in a way I am proud of the poem, because I am proud of him (and proud to be with him). I have never met one person who can possess so many beautiful qualities that are strong and genuine in one soul. It is an honor to be with him and an even greater pleasure to love him.

I wrote this poem a few days ago, but since I cannot remember the exact date, I wrote down what was almost accurate. I am not looking for critiques, because honestly with this poem they do not matter to me. I guess I wanted to share how I feel about someone through my writing for once when I hardly ever do so. Needless to say, my boyfriend loved the poem and his reaction really is all that mattered to me. I'm glad he didn't mind if I share this with others. So I hope whoever reads this enjoys it and can relate...or find that it gives them something to look forward to in their relationships.*

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